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Richard Stowey

Hi 👋! My name is Richard Stowey and I love solving human problems through unique physical and digital experiences.

Brought up with a family history in UK manufacturing, I initially studied 3D Design and Design Engineering.

I spent a decade working at agencies for huge brands like Huawei, Honda, Ford, SFR, Cobra and Laithwaite's, managing multi-million pound marketing, advertising and consulting design projects.

In the last five years I've been heavily focused on leading the creation of 0 - 1 chat and video products in the eCommerce space, first at Hero and now at Klarna.

In my spare time I like to code and work on random engineering / science projects with my kids.

Find me on X and LinkedIn


Leading Through Doing - The Power of Side Projects

The KonferenSE - September 2023 - Stockholm, Sweden

I spoke to 1,700 members of the Klarna Product, Design, Engineering and Data teams about how learning to code helps me create a working environment which sets my team up for success.



Screenshot of the Piece Meal website

Piece Meal - Meal Planning

Meal planning for growing, dynamic families. Effectively and easily plan out your week's meals, taking the stress away from keeping your kids happy, and healthy.

Image of allergen menus

Take away the pain of allergies and intolerances with fun, simple and detailed QR Code Menus for street vendors, market stall holders and small food venues.

Image of allergen menus

Child's Pay

Childcare payments calculator, for calculating and forwcasting childcare costs into the future.

(not currently live)

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© Richard Stowey 2023 - 2024